Author: Jed Relativo

Like many of the warrior classes around the world, the Samurai have a certain mystique on them. As a friend summed it up, the life of a samurai is like... Read More

By the time I wrote this article, anime fans everywhere are clamoring at what they perceive as “failed” arts in newer anime. At some point, they have a reason to... Read More

One of my favorite supervillain out there is The Joker. Like the lead superhero he fights, he is very much human, and never had special powers. Yet I found him... Read More

But the problem here is that the claims about alien life by Average Joes are simply too outrageous. Most people often get too excited with meeting outside visitors, so much so... Read More

I’m not exactly into traveling, and I’m more comfortable at my desk facing my laptop. Nevertheless, when given a chance, I will be willing to spend a great deal of... Read More

The Filipino people will always be thankful for the two Luna brothers, Juan and Antonio. Heroic blood runs in their veins, but they took different paths to greatness. One became... Read More

Whenever I watch the Gundam series, all I care about are the giant robots. I mean they could insert whatever themes they like, be it the ravages of war, terrorism,... Read More

If one will ask me how depressing the Evangelion series is, I will say depressing in a sense that it’s a reflection of a troubled mind. It will darken your... Read More

The First World War was a glimpse into future conflicts. People saw automatic firearms being used to their full potential, tanks crawling onto the battlefield and aircrafts buzzing above soldiers’... Read More

The flags of the Philippine revolution all have stories to tell. Behind their colors and markings were symbolisms and beliefs of its bearers. It started when Andres Bonifacio requested the creation... Read More